CCI Number: 2021TC16RFCB046
Approved by Commission Decision no. C(2022) 3101 as of 16 May 2022
CCI Number: 2021TC16RFCB046
Approved by Commission Decision no. C(2022) 3101 as of 16 May 2022
Copyright © 2022 by the Joint secretariat SI-AT
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in
any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for
the use of quotations in a review. For more information, address:
First e-publication edition June, 2022
Copyright © 2022 by the Joint secretariat SI-AT
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in
any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for
the use of quotations in a review. For more information, address:
First e-publication edition June, 2022
Programme area
The SI-AT programme area of the Slovenia-Austria border region covers 8 Slovenian
NUTS 3 regions (Gorenjska, Koroška, Savinjska, Podravska, Pomurska,
Osrednjeslovenska, Goriška and Zasavska) and 8 Austrian NUTS 3 regions
(Oststeiermark, West- and Südsteiermark, Graz, Östliche Obersteiermark,
Unterkärnten, Klagenfurt-Villach, Oberkärnten and Südburgenland). This territory
covers an area of 35,156 km² (SI: 14,130 km², AT: 21,026 km²) and a population of 3.4
million inhabitants (SI: 1,69 million., AT: 1,72 million.). 10 of these regions (5 regions
on each side) are directly bordering regions, the other regions are included due to
their functional linkages and importance for the cross-border region. In the region
there are 5 important urban agglomerations: Ljubljana, Maribor, Graz, Klagenfurt
and Villach.
The border between Slovenia and Austria stretches over 310 km and separates the
countries from east to west. The western part of the border crosses sparsely
inhabited high mountainous Alpine territory that further towards the east changes
into more hilly landscapes, following the river Mura/Mur for about 30 km and
ending at the tripoint marker of the Austrian, Hungarian and Slovenian borders.
Interreg programme Slovenia-Austria 2021-2027
The SI-AT programme area of the Slovenia-Austria border region covers 8 Slovenian
NUTS 3 regions (Gorenjska, Koroška, Savinjska, Podravska, Pomurska,
Osrednjeslovenska, Goriška and Zasavska) and 8 Austrian NUTS 3 regions
(Oststeiermark, West- and Südsteiermark, Graz, Östliche Obersteiermark,
Unterkärnten, Klagenfurt-Villach, Oberkärnten and Südburgenland). This territory
covers an area of 35,156 km² (SI: 14,130 km², AT: 21,026 km²) and a population of 3.4
million inhabitants (SI: 1,69 million., AT: 1,72 million.). 10 of these regions (5 regions
on each side) are directly bordering regions, the other regions are included due to
their functional linkages and importance for the cross-border region. In the region
there are 5 important urban agglomerations: Ljubljana, Maribor, Graz, Klagenfurt
and Villach.
The border between Slovenia and Austria stretches over 310 km and separates the
countries from east to west. The western part of the border crosses sparsely
inhabited high mountainous Alpine territory that further towards the east changes
into more hilly landscapes, following the river Mura/Mur for about 30 km and
ending at the tripoint marker of the Austrian, Hungarian and Slovenian borders.
Interreg programme Slovenia-Austria 2021-2027
The programme area between Slovenia and
Austria has identified several potentials, needs
and challenges expressed by the actors in the
programme area that clearly show that the
territory is ahead of important transitions that
can be jointly addressed. The programme is
focusing on a limited number of thematic areas
and will pool resources to drive the change and
take opportunity for increased level of
cooperation capacity, new development and
common solutions to challenges identified.
The overall aims of the programme are to
reduce territorial disparities in the cross-border
region, to drive change and take opportunity of
new development trends by pooling resources
across national borders in order to be better
prepared for the future and to alleviate border
obstacles to better cooperate across national
borders in specific areas.
Together we are
safegarding and
developing our common
region for the future.
Improving coordination
and cooperation in the
si-at border area to
reduce border
obstacles and unleash
the potentials for a
resilient and
competitive region.”
Programme vision and mission
Interreg programme Slovenia-Austria 2021-2027
Austria has identified several potentials, needs
and challenges expressed by the actors in the
programme area that clearly show that the
territory is ahead of important transitions that
can be jointly addressed. The programme is
focusing on a limited number of thematic areas
and will pool resources to drive the change and
take opportunity for increased level of
cooperation capacity, new development and
common solutions to challenges identified.
The overall aims of the programme are to
reduce territorial disparities in the cross-border
region, to drive change and take opportunity of
new development trends by pooling resources
across national borders in order to be better
prepared for the future and to alleviate border
obstacles to better cooperate across national
borders in specific areas.
Together we are
safegarding and
developing our common
region for the future.
Improving coordination
and cooperation in the
si-at border area to
reduce border
obstacles and unleash
the potentials for a
resilient and
competitive region.”
Programme vision and mission
Interreg programme Slovenia-Austria 2021-2027