
1,108 tonnes of food in the first delivery for the most deprived

The first food delivery in 2025 is underway, which means that the efforts to provide aid from the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) to the most deprived groups continue.

In 2024, the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities provided 3,671.95 tonnes of food to 124,526 final beneficiaries under the ESF+ Programme for Addressing of Material Deprivation in Slovenia for the Period 2021-2027.

In 2025, the Ministry will continue to provide basic food to be distributed to the most vulnerable by the selected beneficiaries for food distribution and accompanying measures under the Programme for Addressing of Material Deprivation in Slovenia for the Period 2021-2027.

Thus, by the end of February 2025, the following quantities of food products will be delivered to the warehouses and distribution points of the Slovenian Red Cross – Union of Associations, the Slovenian Karitas and the Youth Centre of Prlekija:

  • 120 608,00 kilos of wheat white flour type 500,
  • 181,335.00 kilos of long egg pasta and short egg pasta,
  • 119 419,00 kilos of milled long grain rice,
  • 388 004,00 litres of UVT standardised whole milk with 3,5% milk fat,
  • 159 320,00 litres of edible refined sunflower oil,
  • 78 462,00 kilos of canned vegetables – beans,
  • 44 920,00 kilos of preserved vegetables – plum tomatoes,
  • 16 800,00 kilos of homemade jam.

At the distribution points, beneficiaries of food aid can also participate in various activities to promote social inclusion and help deprived persons overcome the challenges of material deprivation. They will also receive information on how to exercise their social rights.

Detailed information on the dates of distribution of food parcels, eligibility and the content of accompanying activities is available at the distribution points of the Slovenian Red Cross – Union of Associations, Slovenian Karitas and the Youth Centre of Prlekija.

Mleko v skladiščih upravičencev za razdeljevanje hrane in izvajanje spremljevalnih ukrepov v okviru Programa ESS+ za odpravljanje materialne prikrajšanosti v Sloveniji v obdobju 2021-2027

The warehouses are also being stocked in 2025. Photo: Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities

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