
In the EU Project, My Project 2024 competition, we ‘felt Resevna’

On Wednesday, 19 June 2024, the Municipality of Šentjur, the Kozjansko Development Agency and the Šentjur Alpine Association organised a well-attended event to celebrate the inclusion of the renovation of the Šentjur Mountaineering Lodge among the TOP 20 EU projects in the EU Project, My Project 2024 competition.

The event was designed to bring Resevna closer to other groups of citizens and visitors, in addition to regular hikers and recreationalists, and to add an international dimension. This is why the event was titled Let’s FEEL RESEVNA! The goal was to engage as many senses as possible, in addition to the awe-inspiring natural beauty and the invigorating clean air.

At 9 am, the art “ex tempore” began, with visitors from the Šentjur municipality as well as from Dobje, Laško, Celje, Šoštanj and Trbovlje, and the neighbouring Croatia. In the cozy shelter of the renovated mountain lodge, they put their brushes to work at 650 meters above sea level and looked for inspiration in unspoiled nature.

At the same time, also at 9 am, hikers set off from the valley to explore the attractions of Resevna; they visited the cave of millstones, which was an important source of this raw material in the Austro-Hungarian Empire; they learned about the legend of the bandit Guzaj (the Slovenian Robin Hood), who hid in these forests from the gunmen, they learned all about the unhappy love of the young lovers of the castles of Ploštajn and Rifnik, whose ruins are located nearby, and they also measured the positive energies of the area.

At the summit of Resevna, the artists, hikers, and our partners from the LAG project ‘Eco Crate, Please’ from Bulgaria were treated to a culinary delight. Iveta’s refreshments, coupled with Tanja Gobec’s local seasonal delicacies and home-grown produce offered a unique gastronomic experience. It was a day filled with exploration and discovery, including a taste of the most popular hiking point in the Šentjur municipality.

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