
Job retention programmes to get EU funding

The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development has approved EU funding for the project Promoting the inclusion of workers whose jobs are at risk, including jobs affected by digitisation and automation – SPIN 2.0. The project will receive nearly 4.4 million euros from the European Social Fund Plus. 

The project will aim to provide workers, whose employment or self-employment is at risk, temporary or precarious, with the competences that will help them integrate in the labour market more easily and prevent their transition into unemployment. Indirectly, the project will also support employers by helping them recruit adequately qualified workers.

Individuals from target groups will participate in various job retention programmes that will help them keep their jobs. These tailor-made programmes will provide different activities, such as information giving, motivation, career counselling, education or training. These activities will all be adapted to the needs of the labour market. They will include activities aiming to improve digital skills, skills for the green transition and circular economy and skills for social development in general. This will help the members of target groups transition to new jobs more easily, while preventing they fall into unemployment. The project will also fight precarious work, helping enhance skills and know-how for more stable and longer lasting employment of these individuals. It will empower individuals to manage their careers independently, improve career prospects and increase competitiveness in the labour market. The project will aim to empower the said target groups in the labour market, ensuring social security for everyone in non-standard forms of work. It will also aim to create new and quality jobs and build a capable and sufficiently large workforce to meet the needs of the labour market.

The beneficiary of this financial contribution will be the Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia. This is the central institution in Slovenia responsible for human resources development through the allocation of resources.  

The 7 million euro project will receive a contribution from the European Social Fund Plus equalling nearly 4.4 million euros.

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Photo: Pexels.com

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