
The Best EU project of the Year 2024 title goes to the project Revitalisation of the degraded area of Lent

Voting for the Best EU Project of the Year 2024 title was open between 3 April and 8 May 2024. You chose from 20 shortlisted finalists from all over Slovenia, which received EU support. The EU co-funded project Revitalisation of the degraded area of Lent received 25 % of the votes.

Second place went to the project Hitro, supported under the Interreg Slovenia-Croatia programme. The project improved the civil protection system to make the cross-border area safer. Third place went to the Pivka.Kras.Presiha project, which contributed to improving the condition and conservation of certain species of plants and animals and habitats in the Landscape Park of the Pivka Intermittent Lake.

A total of 3238 votes were cast. The winner received 821 votes, the runner-up 329 with the third-placed project receiving 308 votes. Congratulations!

Let’s meet the winner

With the new redevelopment of Lent, the Urban Municipality Maribor has ensured that a previously degraded area has once again become a sustainable and friendly environment for tourists, residents and visitors to the city centre.

The area of the redeveloped area covers a total of 32,458 m2. The redevelopment package consisted of four projects:

  • Revitalisation of the Vojašniški trg square and its buildings (3,640 m2),
  • Construction of the Lent Tabor footbridge (700 m2),
  • Landscaping of the Drava River embankment – Lent (24,000 m2)
  • part of the Drava cycle route (4 028 m2).

The Revitalisation of the Vojašniški trg square and its buildings consisted of a comprehensive renovation of Vojašniški trg square in Maribor, highlighting the historical and cultural significance of the square, a partial reconstruction of the medieval walls and the renovation of the building at the Vojašniški trg square 3 called Pri treh babah, which was renovated and converted to be used for catering and cultural activities – the LGM Puppet Museum, the renovation of the cultural and historical building of the Sodni stolp tower, the renovation of the building of Vojašniška 14 for the needs of the vineyard museum of the oldest vine, and the renovation and reconstruction of the area of the Vojašniški trg square with the renewal of the municipal infrastructure.

The Lent Tabor footbridge project covered the construction of a new connecting footbridge between Lent and Tabor, with the aim of reconnecting parts of the city centre along the Drava River. The new footbridge helps to reduce social degradation and revitalise the Lent and Tabor waterfronts, improving traffic flow and safety and linking the city districts.

The project Landscaping of the Drava River embankment – Lent covered an integrated architectural and landscape development of the riverbank below the former walls of the medieval Maribor. The new appearance of the riverbank brought together diverse architecture, preserving key elements of important heritage buildings.

The Drava cycle route: Adamič Embankment – Double Deck Bridge – Stage 1 project is part of a wider project to improve cycling paths in Maribor, following the objectives of the city’s sustainable mobility and transport strategy. The project contributed to improving mobility for residents and visitors, while connecting different areas of the city and contributing to the development of the tourist offer of Maribor.

Photo Lent: Pigac.si

Photo Pivka.Kras.Pesiha: Jošt Gantar

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