Absorption of EU funds

EU Cohesion Policy is the main investment policy of the European Union (EU). In a period of rapid change that is driven by the green and digital transition, Slovenia needs to take action to make its economy and society more resilient, to seize new opportunities, and to accelerate the transition to a highly productive, low-carbon circular economy with the flagship objective of quality of life for all. A total of 3.2 billion euros in Cohesion Policy funding that has been allocated to Slovenia for the 2021-2027 period and will be available by the end of 2029 will be mobilised to achieve these objectives.
Slovenia is divided into two cohesion regions. Zahodna Slovenija is in the west of the country and belongs to more developed regions; Vzhodna Slovenija is in the east of the country and falls under less developed regions. In practice this means that the amount of EU support for the projects will vary between the two cohesion regions and that different co-financing rates will be set for each region.
Cohesion Policy funding for the 2021-2027 programming period is planned in a single country-wide programme that covers four funds:

  • the Cohesion Fund;
  • the European Regional Development Fund or ERDF;
  • the European Social Fund Plus or ESF+; and
  • the Just Transition Fund (for the coal regions of Zasavje and Savinjsko-Šaleška).

Three territorial approaches are applied to promote the links between urban and rural areas and to reduce development disparities:

  • sustainable urban development will be supported under Integrated Territorial Investments,
  • local development will be supported under community-led local development (CLLD), and
  • regional development will be supported under agreements on development of regions.

The latest data on the absorption of EU funds

The data on the absorption of EU funding is publicly available and clearly shows how countries perform in terms of using available funds. The data presents the following values: amount of funds allocated/planned, amount of funds allocated to decided (selected) projects, amount of payments made (expenditure reported by the selected projects), and data on the requests for reimbursement from the EU budget.

Data on the absorption of funds for the Investment for growth and jobs goal in the 2014-2020 programming period
  • – Total available (planned) budget for projects, programmes, calls for proposals allocated via funding decisions (EUR 3.8 billion, EU part);
  • – Funding allocated to selected projects (EUR 3.74 billion, EU part);
  • – Payments made (EUR 3.42 billion, EU part);
  • – Reimbursement claims submitted to the European Commission (EUR 3.57 billion, EU part)*
  • *Certification of expenditure includes total eligible expenditure incurred (eligible expenditure of the national budget, and other public and private sources), including the simplified cost options, which sometimes makes the certified amount higher than the amount of expenditure from the national budget despite the time delay. Sometimes, the certified amount may decrease because irregularities are detected at a later stage, or because expenditure is deducted/withdrawn due to various findings at the level of the operation, or because the number of errors exceeds the permissible 2-per cent rate.
Data on the absorption of funds for the Convergence objective in the 2007-2013 programming period
  • – A total of EUR 4,316,865,720 (EU part) was paid out of the national budget in the 2007-2013 programming period, which accounted for 105.3 % of the funding made available (EUR 4,101,048,636).
  • – The certified expenditure amounted to EUR 4,217,450,561 (EU part), which accounted for 102.8 % of the funding made available. The amount reimbursed from the EU budget was somewhat lower that the payments made out of the national budget because of ineligible expenditure, financial corrections made, other detected irregularities and the gap between the payments made out of the national budget and the reimbursement claims submitted to Brussels.
  • – Slovenia received all available funding for the 2007-2013 programming period from the EU budget.

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