Enabling conditions

Enabling conditions, which replace the “ex-ante conditionalities” that were in place in the 2014-2020 period, are a precondition for starting with EU Cohesion Policy implementation. The number of enabling conditions is smaller; they are more concentrated on the objectives of an individual fund and will be, as opposed to the 2014-2020 period, monitored and implemented throughout the 2021-2027 period. There are two types of enabling conditions: horizontal enabling conditions, which apply to all specific objectives and criteria, and thematic enabling conditions, which apply to individual funds or individual specific objectives and criteria. Member States will not be able to declare expenditure incurred under a specific objective until the relevant enabling condition is met. Enabling conditions are considered fulfilled if all the criteria are met. The co-financed projects and programmes will have to be implemented in full compliance with the relevant strategies and the documents relating to planning, which serve as the basis for the enabling conditions. This will ensure that all the co-financed projects and programmes comply with the Union’s policy framework.

In accordance with the duration of the programming period and with regard to Slovenia’s Development Strategy 2030, enabling conditions should be adopted so as to be applicable for the period until 2030.

The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development monitors the progress in drafting the documents, which represent the fulfilment of the enabling conditions, under its quarterly reports on the 2014-2020 EU Cohesion Policy implementation.

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